Jaana Okulov

Interdisciplinary artist & researcher

Of Power and Compassion

Assemblage, 2016.

11 bodies arrive to a minimalist filming set. They take off their clothes and enter a spotlight. Once they’re in the spotlight, a female voice arranges them into an order based on their bodies. All-female crew documents the situation.

Producer: Mari Ljokkoi, Cinematographer: Tanja Glad, Sound designer: Aino Mättö, Lighting designer: Luca Sirviö, Set designer: Nanna Hirvonen, Research assistant, grip & still photographer: Maarit Mustonen, Production assistant: Max Hannus

Photo by Maarit Mustonen

”The dawn is just: it stretches equally from one edge to another. — It’s a common condition: not of measured spaces, though all spacings are equal, all in the same light. Equality is the condition of bodies. What’s more common than bodies?”
(Jean-Luc Nancy, Corpus)

Photo by Maarit Mustonen

Building of the set up. Photo by Maarit Mustonen

(I wanted to distance myself from it. From that place.) research interviews transcripted, 2015.

Of Power and Compassion – Jaana Okulov